Music Meme

Apr 23, 2008 21:20

Step 1: Put your MP3 player or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 15 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
Step 6: World domination!

1)  Honestly what will become of me, don't like reality, It's way too clear to me

2) The tarantula, Time for the massive come sing ya, The tarantula, Don't play with my style I might sting ya

3) How many special people change, How many lives are living strange, Where were you when we were getting high?

4) Grounded, 5 a.m, The nightlight is comforting, But gravity is holding you

5) Come, As you are, As you were, As I want you to be

6) The distant future, the year 2000.

7) This is me for forever, One of the lost ones, The one without a name, Without an honest heart as compass

8) Far away, This ship is taking me far away, Far away from the memories, Of the people who care if I live or die

9) You've got a great car, Yeah, whats wrong with it today? I used to have one too, Maybe you'll come and have a look.

10) Can you feel it crush you does it seem to bring the worst in you out, There's no running away from these things that hold you down

11) Something ugly this way comes, Through my fingers sliding inside

12) My love is stronger now than you'll ever know, and it won't ever let you go

13) All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces

14) Maybe it was the moonlight, The scent of you on the breeze, Maybe it was your shadow that fell over me

15) Plongez en moi, je m'ouvre une dernière fois. (Anyone who gets this one is made of awesome.)
Now you see what I mean by eccentric?

meme, my taste in music is like a headless chi

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