Haven't updated in a while

May 30, 2007 16:04

        So right now I'm at work.  My boss has a computer hooked up to the internet, thus this entry.  I'm all by myself at the store, have been since 2, and will be until 5pm.  Its a bit weird to be in the store by myself, but hey, its kinda awesome as well.  I'm excited about how much trust they've given me, seeing as this is the first time I've worked for them, and I've ony been working for about three weeks now.  Its a fun job, the people are nice.  I get to be a cashier, make sandwiches, scoop hard ice cream, serve soft serve ice cream, and stock the shelves. There's a lot more stuff to do at this job, and its a smaller store, so its nicer.  Overall I'm having a great time here at Williams River Country store :)

I'm very excited, tomorrow I have a day off, and Friday I work from 10:30-either 3:30 or 4:30.  Then Saturday I have another day off! I get to see MURPH!!!!! I'm so excited, I haven't seen her in like over a year.  We're gonna hang out for a bit, then go to MHS probably. Then later that day, I'm gonna go back to MHS to see Renna, Liz, and Coco get their SENIOR BLAZERS!!!!  Ah I can't believe they are going to be seniors next fall, these are the freshmen when I was a senior, its so weird.  After next school year, I'll only know the faculty at MHS.

I'm also really excited because the next day off I get, I might be going to Amherst to see Flo and Josh, which will be really exciting because during the summers I never get to see Hampshire people :)  Anyway, I must get back to work, as its taken me about an hour to write this, with a steady flo of people, so anyway toodles!

summer, me

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