Hamster on a Piano is my favorite song.

Jan 25, 2009 01:03

I returned from my stay at sea on Thursday, however I still feel drunk and sea sick. Odd because I stopped drinking on wedenesday morning (haha).

I wish I could muster up something creative to say about the rock boat, other than it was "good" because it was oh so much more than that.

But I am exhausted, delerious and sleepee

I have been napping with my cats for 3 days now :D napping is awesome.

I don't like Country music, but i love the hell out of Zach Brown Band.
They know how to party.

hanson was on the boat. It made for a great drinking game and I will officially never know their names because the oldes one to me is Awkward Harson, Everytime you saw him you had to take a shot. The middle one was Girlie Hanson, which you had to take 2 shots. The youngest one was baby hanson and no one on this boat spotted him but me. It was always in the Elevator. We never said a word to eachother just a nod and smile. He looks so very scared. LOL

With good reasons, his fans are insane. INSANE. I was having acid-duranie flashbacks and shit.

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