Jan 30, 2005 19:08
Drama, drama, drama. Is there no escape? "Awe, pitty me." "Let's fuss just because we have the time to, right now." "I'm going to take everything so seriously because I want to create problems." Seriously, we all just need to grow up and stop causing shit. Of course, that includes me. GNAW! I'm so frustrated with all of us. There is no need to yell at someone when they don't know or understand something. There is no reason to get offended when someone fucking giggles at you. HA! Did you take that one to heart? HAHAHAHAHA! Take that...bitch.
Another thing that bothers me, is how I have people reading my journal...and they shouldn't be. If you don't care for my opinion, if you don't care about me, or my stupid situations, then fuck off and don't read my journal! I wear my life on my sleeve. I have no problem with the whole world knowing what is going on, because it keeps things open. If you don't agree with that, then good for you! Why do you think that your opinion matters to me of all people? We all struggle, I refuse to hide it. I don't go looking for attention or for people to talk to. I find then without effort. If you can't do the same, then tears shed in thoughts of you.
My final issue....if I trust you enough to make some comments that aren't very nice, do me a favor and keep my confidence. It really makes a person look tacky when they cannot keep their mouths shut. *cough*cough* curly haired big-mouth chick!! *cough*cough* Respect me enough to shit the fuck up, because you know what ends up happening? Words become twisted, things become blown out of proportion and they're no longer repairable, and I'm the one left to justify what others think I said. Another solution would be for me to just stop talking entirely. But if you're going to repeat my words, and judge me, at least do it correctly and honesty. Don't make me grab my num-chucks.
Fuck you all.