Yeah The Comike yesterday event got me exhausted but yet lots of fun. I bought so many of doujinshii three OnePiece , two Deathnote , two Bleach , FMA , Killbill (Yeah a KillBill doujin XD awesome right? ) and a few Original *_* already run out my pocketmoney on this weekdays even my profit from selling my own doujinshii can't cover that but tell you the truth they are all worth it.
I got P' Muay to sell my doujinshii so i can walk around kinda freely :P ,got to meet so many cool artists >_< Too bad i didn't bring a sketchbook with me. Oh and there was a girl asked me to draw for her (is flatter) never expected something like this before ,well i'm not that popular right ? >_< , she asked me to draw Harry x Malfoy and what came out is MalfoyxHarry feel so sorry for her.
As for my Deathnote doujin eh huh huh ;_; .... still got plenty of them left *hurts* TT[]TT .Well don't want to complain much about it - -;; that don't make anything better right ? I'll just have to go on make it better , or else.
My doujinshii cover
Fandom : Deathnote / Light L
Type : Drama / mild slash
Pages : 25 p
Price : 100b ( around 2.5 $ us)
size : A5
about the shipping to oversea i've no idea how much it's gonna cost so let me check and will inform later.
So note if you interest :) Thank you.
Will have Psychology mid exam on Tuesday and i have no mood to read it at all , *kinda lost my will to study* hope this feeling wont stay too long this time *sigh*