Mar 31, 2004 15:19
so i got pulled over last night going 52 in a 35 zone on the way back from the Mason Jar. sheila was with me and it was 10:34. the cop had been following me for about 1 mile he said before i pulled over, which means if they were total dicks i could have been arrested for a felony. when i pulled over the "jerk" cop came to my window and pounded on it with his flashlight. the second i opened my door he yanked me out and immediately put me in handcuffs. sheila was having a panick attack while they asked me several questions. they ran several tests and were convinced i was on some sort of drug. they shined flashlights in my eyes and my pupils were definitely dialated, they made me tilt my head back and count to 30, and they took my pulse and blood pressure. after these tests their conclusion was that i was on some sort of Hallucinogen or diet pills, coke, or caffeine pill. then they made me call my parents because since i was on this drug i could not drive home.