Mar 08, 2005 19:09
ya so i decided to give autumn a 2nd chance. it is my philosophy that every body deserves a 2nd chance. i know that there are alot of people at school that are really upset but you know what I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK
. i think that doing this is a good idea atleast i hope it is. i'm just not gunna do the same shit as last time but i am also not going to put up with the same shit (sorry autumn but i won't be able to). last time i was really upset, depressed and angry most of the time. however this time i will not let this happen. i know that some of you gave me advise to not do what i did and i did listen but i really just had to do this. i'm sorry to all those i hurt. i know racheal is really hurt and i'm so will say again i'm sorry. well now that i'm so depressed over racheal i need a fucking drink. or maybe i need to get high. i dunno maybe i need to end it all but wait that would mean i hurt autumn and i don't want to do that. well i need to stop wait fuck it its all comming out right now.
1st racheal you pushed me and you should not have done that. i need time to make a relationship work i don't want or like being pushed one way or another.
2nd for you that think i should not have given autumn 2nd chance