Just another weekend

Apr 21, 2007 23:29

OH, how I wish weekends could be longer.  They just go by so FAST.

So.   Today.  Slept in.  Slammed water.  Went to dr's office/lab and had blood drawn so i can be scolded this friday at my dr appt.  Back in about 15 minutes.  Dr. office is about 5 minutes away, and  I arrived at a time where there was no line....so I didn't even have a chance to sit down before they called me.  I LOVE saturday lab  hours.

Steve went to visit his folks, I had girly lunch.  Then off to church.

Back home.  Crocheting like a madwoman.  I finished the afghan, and I'm working on a baby sweater.  Which looks like....a baby sweater!  Go me!  I took the blanket in to work for opinions from the women...who would say "ugh" if I looked like ass.  They liked it.  But ALWAYS...ALLLLLWAYS......there's someone who says "Ugh.  I could never have time to do that" or "I could never sit still long enough to do that"....which I find annoying.  I do it at night when the tv is on.  and you can't eat when you're messing with yarn.

Got my new bike, rode it, put my back out in a big way.  Luckily, I had a massage the next day, and t hat helped a lot.  I was bummed today, and feeling a little guilty, because the weather was PERFECT, and I didn't ride......but my back is still hurting.  Steve also pulled something, and from the noises he's making, you'd think he was birthing a watermelon out of his nostril.  Whinnneeee.  And the massage therapist even TOLD him that my spasms were so bad "they were standing up and waving".  So Mr Whiny Pants is really annoying me.

Might try a ride tomorrow....got my new padded shorts....so they will need a  test ride.  Next weekend it's out of town for my cousin's baby shower, which should be fun, because it's also a family weekend, and those are always great.

There she is...my new bike!

And the other blankie

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