Me and my boy

Mar 04, 2006 20:19

It has been a pretty hectic day, with all the ups and downs a new guide dog team faces. My room mate Sandy said that Lennon whined all the time I was in the shower this morning. We did obedience before breakfast with Julie, and Lennon did great aside from some little things to test the waters. I guess that means he's feeling more comfortable with me. We ate breakfast, and loaded up the van to get ready to go to White Plains. Sandy went out first with Jacobi. When she got back, I went out with Lennon. Yesterday we were attached to a trainer's leash, and the dogs knew that, so nothing went wrong. But today they walked a little bit behind us, and let us do things on our own. First of all, Lennon went too fast for me, and I wasn't sure whether to steady him down or not. Graham said I should, so I did, and then he went at my pace for about 5 seconds before he would speed up agin. He missed a couple of curbs, but that was no big deal, but he wouldn't let me turn him left for some reason. Also, Graham said I pulled the harness to the right too. I don't know why that would be happening, chock it up to those retrain habbits. lol So as long as I run whenever I need to go, and never turn left again, my dog is perfect. Our afternoon rout went much better, and he did turn left with a lot of coaxing. He's still going too fast for me, and I hope that straightens itself out as both of us get more relaxed and learn to trust each other. Graham and I did talk about what things would be like with a baby, and how things would change as the baby's needs do. We talked about getting a slower dog if Lennon didn't slow down a bit if he thinks it's the right thing to do. I have to think longterm, and I would rather give up Lennon now, then deal with having to give him up after a year of it not working out, and having to explain to Colyn why Lennon's going away. So the rest of the day was okay. We got our grooming stuff, and I groomed Lennon while he rolled around on the floor. I let him run around our room too when Sandy wasn't there. He just followed me around, sniffing here and there, but nothing really too exciting. If that had been Maeve or Elliott, they'd be all over the room and then some. lol But not Lennon. He was content to walk around calmly sniffing everything, and running to my side as soon as I called him. I was going to go out with the volunteer tonight, but as soon as I left him alone and walked out of the room, he started barking, crying, and carrying on so much I had to come back and stay with him. So I just gave Julie my money and stayed here with my boy. She just brought the stuff back now, so I'm going to go to my room and share chocolate with Sandy. Oh, and the highlight of my day is that last night the heater in our room broke and we were freezing. We ended up sleeping totally under the blankets, with two pairs of pants and two shirts on, and we were still cold. We think maybe the cleaning people changed something while they were cleaning, and that messed it all up. It's fixed now, thank god, and so we'll hopefully get some sleep tonight. Anyway, gotta run before the chocolate melts.
Talk to you later
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