Oct 01, 2004 01:59
today has been a vacant space, nothing to disscus. The begining of my week was mostly amazing, spent at the fsc(framingham state), I couldent be any happier when im with jade, she fills me with energy, shes an amazing companion, I cant ask for more, my self on the other hand,could be doing more with his time, even though I have been enjoying myself, I feel a sence of paranoia and fear eating at my neck. but it will pass,
I have been listening to vitology alot, it is so amazing to me, I its brings me to my past but makes its mark on the now, last night I got real messy with the ds apartment folk, cammy jen and pete came for the evening. me and cammy talked about bukowski, and then we had a huge conversation with ds roommate , philosifising what we though was the inner workings of god and the human existence. it was a drunken mess but candy to my soul. I love all my people, but I wish I could say the same for my band, but I wont get into that, I just miss jade, I will see her tomorow, it will be splended times, ds a great man as well I miss him too, I miss my family, hopfully tomorrow will be a hint more bright. goodnight