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Jan 31, 2009 01:41

Have any of you gone back and listened to something you listened to when you were in high school or earlier? It's kind of an odd thing for me, because I have a deep attachment to to the stuff I listened to when I was 15,16 and 17. When I listen to KoRn's old stuff or Marilyn Manson's Anti-Christ Superstar or Nirvana's In Utero I just experience a certain mentality that I had at that age when I was having all kinds of problems. It's really odd to me. it also just shows me how far I've come from that time. I was a weird guy at that age and looking back I realize how fucked up I really was. I think I had an awareness that I had my issues, but I don't think I realized how strange I was at times. It's also strange when people talk to you about those times and they don't realize that you're a different person. or someone tells a story to someone you know and you have to put it into a context in order for it to make sense. I guess I'm kinda glad in a way that I haven't kept in touch with a few people. There are people that just can't help, but think of you as someone you were. That must be why i can't stand most of my extended family, because they still see me as a 5 year old kid who doesn't know anything about the "real world" because he's not a conservative. I don't know I've written some stuff here that i'm going to look at tomorrow and go "where the fuck did that come from?" It wouldn't surprise me if I read this 2 or 3 days from now and decide to delete it.
Anyway, do any of you have a deep personal connection with the music you used to listen to?
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