Title: 4 times Raiya suspected Yuto having a Girlfriend + 1 Time Yuto told him the Truth
columbin3 Pairing: NONE!
Character: Nakajima Yuto and Nakajima Raiya
Rating: GP
Genre: Failed Crack.
Raiya is a one heck of an over-protective younger brother that he couldn't imagine what will he do if his beloved Oniichan gets himself a girlfriend.
Things happening to him were too much for a 12 year old kid to handle -- to a 12 year old over-protective otouto. )
Raiya's so cute! XZD
I hope we see a recent picture of Raiya somewhere ne!~
thank you very much for reading!
You're welcome! :D
I think the same thing...~
he should go into JE with Yuto~
They could be like the Morimoto brothers! Except... Nakajima brothers! :3
that will be amazing ne!~
I wonder if Raiya resembles Yuto or they completely doesn't look like each other... or if he is a tall boy too.. hehe!!
I heard that Raiya auditioned for JE too when Yuto was still a JR but I don't know if it's true though... what do you think about that issue ne??
I heard that Raiya became a junior ater year in February I think. o.o
And that he and Yuto walk home together after everything is done or whatever.
I hope he is thougggghhh~
He should go into JE if he hasn't already~ :3
i saw a papapic of them too..
but Yuto's like covering Raiya's face..
an over-protective oniichan... or maybe they were just playing randomly.
Nahh! if he did, then went out of JE... maybe he didn't like Yuto's work and quit it ne!~
wahhh... how unfortunate.. :(
Hahaha. Brotherly love~ <3
Awwwwww....... That's too bad... :((
I think we became angels in disguise ne!~
Just few days after talking about Nakajima Raiya, he finally appeared on the limelight... but in the different area of showbiz -- acting.
I am so eager to see him acting.
I think he will be awesome! :D
I KNOW! That's what I was thinking. XZDD
Sameee!!! He's cute!! :3
we are awesome ne!~
this means we should talk about what we want to happen more often so that it will actually happen!! :D
[I am very sorry for the late reply! :D...]
We should!!!!! :DD
[It's ok! :D]
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