Aug 24, 2005 00:38
In Florida the summer air steeps the sweat from your pores while you're standing still. I'd forgotten how humid and hot it gets here. While I was in Chicago, it felt comparable to what I remembered Florida air was. I am quite wrong. Florida is, by all means, worse in that regard.
I took my parents' brand new Volkswagon to Orlando and promptly bashed in the back left corner (bumper, tail light, fender) on an unseen light pole in a gas station parking lot. I hate gas stations. At least I didn't hit another car. Wow, I'm an airhead.
While in Orlando, I visited with Vik and got some movie things done. He's working on a new independent feature, and I helped him flesh out a story and possible style for the script. I'm a little excited to help him realize the film.
I fly back to Chicago on September 4th. I start Fall classes two days later. I have a feeling that this next semester will be very interesting. I hope that interesting is a good interesting.