Yes, that's my true identity... I can't hide it anymore... ^_^
See, just two days ago I had my last (in a VERY long list) adventure with credit cards: all of a sudden they all got damaged in some way. Must probably de-magnetized.
It can happen. OK. But...
What bothers me really is that this is not the first time... I had this problem for some years, this must be the 7th ot 8th times I have to ask my bank to give me a new card.
Till now, nobody could explain what I did (and probably keep doing) wrong... and I live in a state of constant anxiety, treating my cards with all the care I can, but knowing, nonetheless, that some day I'll need to use my credit card and I will not be able to do it. Again.
So, having tried almost everything to preserve my cards from getting damaged, and not being able to save them anyway... I'm afraid the only cause remaining is... ME.
Yes, I suspect I am some kind of magnetic source that is absolutely in opposition with technology. I even make the airport metal detector ring. I usually can't enter in a bank without operate the alarm... and, now, THAT. I really think it's me.
It's really frustrating, and still I don't know what to do about it!