Yuletide 2009 - Revelation Times!
I wrote
And Then We Shot the Ox (Oregon Trail).
The fandom BROKE MY BRAIN. I offered a lot of stuff to write and then got this and ze brain, she went "buh?" but I managed to put something together in the end that I'm pretty happy with! It seems to have gotten a good response, which both surprised and delighted me! All in all, a good first Yuletide!
In return, I got a whopping 9 gifts, all of which are wonderful.
Phineas and Ferb
Phineas and Ferb is awesome. Fic about Phineas and Ferb is also awesome.
Phineas and FerbQ and APerry the Platypus and Business as UsualMaybe He's Just Taciturn Tamora Pierce - Tortall
Both Raoul of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak!
Methods of RelaxationThe Perils (and Profits) of Being a Wallflower Lois Lowry - The Giver
Maaaaaaajor props to the writers of these because they're so intense.
Hindsight - Jonas begins to doubt his decision.
Faith [Hebreiws II:I] - He was seven, he was eight, he was four, he was full of rage.
Such sweet, sad Kyle Reese fic!
Midnight Thoughts and I head off to Chicago, Minneapolis and up over the top of Lake Superior this weekend!