Jul 20, 2006 20:10
So i got my wisdom teeth out this morning. it sucked. it was weird though cause i remember the nurse giving me the oxygen, the doctor saying do you have any questions i can answer in 5 seconds, and everything going kinda fuzzy. then i woke up and moved to a bed to be moved to recovery. it was kinda weird. i didn't like having the gauze in my mouth that really sucked. tyler came by earlier though and brought me a shake from steak n shake and sat with me for a little while while my dad was mowing the lawn. if anybody wants to stop by and see me i would love to see them. give me a little company while my dads at work, other than the animals. which when i came home sadie kept starring at me. thats about all i have to say right now. if you want to stop by you can call before you come but you don't have to. love you all