pitter patter

Sep 02, 2008 09:05

My forst class is at 11:05 today.  Exactly two hours!  :O
Math is first.  there was stuff I was sposta print out and bring but my printer isnt working!  D:  I printed some of it through a horrible process I'd rather not go into right now.  BUT I STILL DIDT PRINT OUT THE PRACTICE PROBLEMS!  fail.  perhaps I'll use ally's printer this morning.  At least math is only an hour and I may not need to do that yet.  this makes me nervous.
Fucking printer.

After that - Chem!  the lab.  three hours long  x.x
tis okay, I'm pretty sure I got all the shit for that class done, like registering my iClicker!

bought books yesterday.  about $700.  D;  shit.
I saw Grant at the book store!  he thought it was stupid that Jared insisted on carrying ALL of my stuff.  It was stupid.  I had three bags of books!  For the record, I did try to take them from him.
Ally was at the bookstore too!  It was pretty much a bookstore party.  The register lady was not invited, but she thought she was.

btw - my hair color fools everyone.  I think its funny.  :3

Sunday night me, Ally, Geoff (not the one you know, a new one)  were watching some fucked up squid shit on the discovery channel.  freeeeaky.  and then Jared came with smoothies!  he is the smoothie bitch for making me and Ally wait a really long time for lunch because he stole my ID card and I couldnt get into the lunchateria without it. 
After that... everyone wanted to sleep because they are party poopers.  well, not everyone, just Ally and Geoff.  So me and Jared went to my room and started watching Resident Evil Apocalipse (sp?).  we only watched like 20 minutes lol
Then we took my suggestion of pulling an all nighter!  yay!  Around five we went for a walk, it was so calm and pieceful outside  :)
We chilled down by the water for a while, I knocked a rock in.  The rock I was sitting in.  XD  worrie not, I avoided falling in with it.
thennn... more walking!  we walked across the portage lake bridge and into hancock because Jared had never been there! now he has and he can die happy.  There is a scary house on a hill.
Then we were on the bridge again!  I wanted to watch the sunrise, so we waited.  and waited. and waited.  and finally we said if it didnt rise by 7 then we'd leave.  It kept getting lighter and lighter and the sun didnt rise.  so we left.  :/  It was really cold on the bridge because of the ind and I was in shorts and a tank top.  Damn sun.  It was in cahoots with the cat we found earlier that ran from us anf then taunted us with its cuteness.

Damn kids.

will prepare better and watch the sunrise some other time.  I can't wait.  :D

Yesterday... POKEMON MARATHON!!!
Jared hatttted it.  Me, Ally, Luke, and Geoff had a splendid time though.  We got frosting and cookie dough!  yumm.  The old seasons are sooo much better, but this one is batter than some of the other seasons.  I still dont know what was happening in that movie though.  oh well.  Luke = foot tickler.  not cool.
also not cool - walking to parking lot 24.  in my pink boots.  I couldnt walk back on the really steep hill without taking them off.

Looooove you!
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