Title: Photograph
Pairing: Okajima
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Nope.
Summary: Yuto wants to know why Keito always takes pictures of Yamada but not him.
A/N: Written for
aliciaswr. Happy birthday, bb ♥ Thank you
hibinoasami for helping out :)
Keito took out his Polaroid and began snapping away pictures of the butterflies and flowers surrounding the garden. Occasionally, he would capture photographs of Yamada playing and laughing around with the other members. He was so busy clicking away that he didn’t notice Yuto standing behind him until the younger boy spoke.
“Say, Keito?”
The Engrish boy turned around and smiled, standing up from his crouching position. “Hey, Yuto. What’s up?”
Yuto fiddled with his fingers, contemplating whether he should ask Keito the question that was on his mind. When the older boy stepped towards him asking him if anything was the matter worriedly, Yuto gave in and took a deep breath.
“I was just wondering…why is it that you always take pictures of Yama-chan but not of me? Don’t you want my pictures too?”
Keito blinked, once, twice, before breaking out into chuckles, only to receive a smack and a pout from Yuto.
“I’m serious!” He said, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Yuto,” Keito said softly, wrapping his arms around the tall boy’s waist, camera still in hand, “I don’t need pictures of you.”
“Why? You don’t love me?”
“I do love you. It’s just that, why take pictures of you, when I can have the real thing?” Keito whispered into his ear, before kissing the now flustered and speechless Nakajima.
Comments and critics are loved! :D