OOC :: Information Post!

Aug 25, 2010 16:23


Here's a quick and dirty post about my teachers for Fall 2010, with hopefully anything you'd need to know OOCly before putting your lucky, lucky students into one of their classes. Also, all of them are on the hunt for TAs, so if you're interested, please let me know! I'd love to have you!

Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth (ivejustinvented
★ Is from the FUTURE! The 31st Century, to be precise.
★ Is really, really old.
★ Is cranky and insulting and completely batshit.
★ Feels no remorse for making fun of you.
★ Feels no remorse in intentionally misunderstanding you.
★ Is a certifiable genius.
★ Is also certifiably mad.
★ Knows you think he's sexy.
★ Hates gingers.
★ Used to be a ginger.
★ Will probably destroy the world again someday.

Sergeant Delphine Angua von Überwald (colourfulscents)
★ Is a werewolf.
★ Hates vampires. Haaaaates. It's nothing personal; it's a werewolf thing.
★ Can smell what you're feeling, what you had for breakfast last week, and that it's Tuesday. Please let me know if there's anything in particular you'd rather not have Angua smell about you; she'll still smell it, but won't be able to interpret that lovely aroma.
★ Smells in colours.
★ Is also the sergeant at the Trooper Station.
★ Is almost always wearing her watch armour.
★ Is almost always wearing a collar with her badge on it.
★ Can be extremely grumpy, depending on the time of the month.
★ Has a soft spot for puppies.
★ Not a cat person.
★ Will get along with you fine so long as you're not a) an idiot, b) a vampire, or c) did we mention vampire?

Kūkaku Shiba (boobs_and_bombs)
★ Is technically a dead soul.
★ Is rather violent, loud, and bossy.
★ Loves to make things go boom.
★ Loves anything that's dangerous or will cause trouble.
★ Has extremely large breasts. Impossibly large. They're kind of hard not to notice; feel free to ogle.
★ So large you might not even notice that she only has one and a half arms. Her right arm is a stump.
★ Has a prosthetic arm that will only make appearances on occasion and will be explicitly mentioned if being worn.
★ Cusses, smokes, and holds self in truly unladylike postures.
★ Is prone to throwing things, hitting people, or tossing bombs when irritated.
★ Is irritated quite a lot, though she has her good moods.
★ Good moods are directly correlated with how much is blowing up or how much trouble is being caused.
★ Is accompanied by her family's trustworthy servants/assistants, massive twins Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko, who look very similar but have their differences, and will be mostly NPCs. And, yes, of course there are jokes here involving which set of twins may be referred to at any given moment.

Again, quick and dirty, so please let me know if you have any questions not covered here. Basically, Farnsworth is insane and a horrible person, Angua hates vampires and smells your bullshit, and Kūkaku is insane and...boobtastic. That kind of covers it.

informational postie, ooc

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