Claire McLeod: You ready for another beer, Maid Marion? [laughs] Alex Ryan: Yeah thanks Nick. Tess Silverman McLeod: [laughing] What? Claire McLeod: It's his middle name. [everyone laughs] Alex Ryan: Yeah it's Marion, right yeah, go on get it out of your system, have a good laugh.
So and now here is the next entry full of my artwork of MLD. I think that I made it in the time of October/November/December 2008.
I like this episode *rofl* Maid Marion...... xD I saw it on DVD yesterday^^
Yeah my sets are verdy different in view of the bigness ;) but I had to test this thing out but now I think I will create it in the future with my standard bigness of 130x130 and 130x400. It isn't too big and already not to small, so that you have to nuzzle your nose on the computer screen *lol*
So but see and enjoy - I realy hope you like some of them :)
Tess & Nick
Claire & Alex
Kate & Riley
Kate & Mitch
(my favourite)
Marcus & Ingrid
Abi Tucker
Myles Pollard
so and here three little wallpapers with Marcus & Ingrid. I like them both very much but in creating wallpapers I'm not really good^^ but see