i know i've been completely avoidant of livejournal this summer...
i think almost everyone has been?
but now is my time of need.
i'm trying to decide on a pair of glasses.. and miraculously i've narrowed my options to two:
these are low quality photos. .and not very pretty to add to that.
but that's ok.. hopefully you'll get the point.
i need affirmation..
[CHOICE ONE: front]
large frames.. sadly.. somewhat similar to what i already have.
.. but fun.. and kind of silly :]
[CHOICE TWO: front]
black [which i've been wanting to switch to]
girlier.. more serious..
but kind of dull
[CHOICE ONE: side]
oh, how ironic
[CHOICE TWO: side]
oh, how clever
[CHOICE ONE: close]
[CHOICE TWO: close]
notice the rectange screw detail. nice.
both the same price.
i'm torn.
please help.