Colorization Tutorial #1

May 29, 2008 14:16

Finally, here's my first tutorial and I hope you like it.

* This tutorial was made in PS CS2

Step #1

Choose an image and crop it. I recommend this tutorial for dark images, but you can use images with a bright backgrounds and the result will be a little different but you will get a good icon.
Step #2

Duplicate your base and set the layer to Screen, opacity 100%.
Step #3

Now go to your base and duplicate it, drag it to the top and desaturate it. Set the layer to Lighten and don't forget to adjust the opacity, I use 45% but it depends of your base.
Step #4

Create a Selective Color Layer

Reds: -100 / -18 / +100 / +25
Cyans: -100 / +35 / +100 / +51
Blues: +16 / 0 / 0 / 0
Magentas: 0 / -100 / +100 / -100
Whites: 0 / 0 / +14 / +100
Neutrals: +20 / +26 / 0 / +9
Step #5

Create a Brightness/Contrast Layer and set contrast to +8.
Step #6

To make your icon bluer you will need to create another Selective Color Layer

Neutrals: +40 / -10 / -7 / 0

This can be your final step if you want this colorization.

Step #7

If you want more color for your icon and make it greener create one more Selective Color Layer

Magentas: +100 / +8 / 0 / +100
Neutrals: +19 / 0 / +30 / 0



+ Comments are love and appreciated
+ Credit would be nice
+ Don't claim this tutorias as yours

! tutorials

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