aug 10th flew to bangor ME via Phili. Colleen flew home the next evening. @camp with mom, uncle mike n jen over the weekend. dumplings. sailing. raspberry pie. mom keeps handing me a stone saying "now you'll always remember this moment because i gave you this stone" haha. and then she did it 4 more times throughout the trip.
monday was raining all day. more pie and rented Another Year. a depressing portrait of a distraught english girl. the acting was fantastic. dont ever watch it.
tuesday back to searsport via bangor. fun shoping in bangor- lots of makeup!
wed, headed to isleford ( lesser cranberry isle ) near MDI on the ferry. lunch on the isle. mom helping me flirt w the ranger at the museum-haha! traded his orange cap for loafers. too funny. short drive to bar harbor. sunset ontop of Cadillac.
while you were gone.... knee surgery scheduled the 22nd. dropped clinical this semester so i'll finish school at the end of summer 2012.
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