Hey, guys! This month I want to collect binbougami.
1. Binbougami01 for me
2. Reserved for Emma
3. Limiters02 for
moonscepter (Binbougami03)
4. Adonis01 for
cruxis (Binbougami04)
5. Zessen01 for
gargantsurprise (Binbougami05)
6. Al-thamen?? for
baredick (Binbougami06)
7. Classy05 for
darkraven616 (Binbougami07)
8. Negate04 for
niklaus (Binbougami08)
And as per usual, me and my crazy amount of mass decks would love to trade with you! Let's see if we can make a deal, okay? ♥