wishes to have his deck donated! D8< You know you want to!
LOL Anyways, in all seriousness, have images for Gohan from DBZ/GT on my computer. and on Mediafire, just waiting to be donated. ♥
Gohan. is. just. goofy. to not have deck. LOL
Your name:♥
# of donation this month:♥
Character: Son Gohan
Series: Dragon Ball Series
Name suggestions: Saiyaman
Reason for names: Later in the DBZ, Gohan uses the guise of Saiyaman to save citizens. ♥
Other Suggestions: D8< I demand the use of Saiyaman in his deck. lol;; I think either green of his saiyaman uniform or the purple of his piccolo ripoff uniform would be a suiting color for him.
Link to donation: http://www.mediafire.com/?iuvbh3ru983v43r C: just fill out your name and let me know~~ *U* you keep the rewards as usual.
P.S. I'll be coming back with images for Jessie and James. And Maybe Giovanni from PKMN if someone would like to donate those