Last week's answer was Porco Grosso from Ni no Kuni, built in Hamelin.
As you remember, Okabe and his friends opened those mysterious doors at the end of the previous season. Now they need to stop a dangerous machine, built by some mysterious mad scientist.
It's time to finally put an end to this madness, it's time for the SEASON FINALE!
'Thank you.' said Gin-sensei. 'You've beaten this crazy machine and stopped it from creating any new portals. However, there's still one little problem...'
'What problem?' asked Okabe.
'Well, the problem is THAT HUGE FREAKIN BLACK HOLE ON THE FLOOR!' Midorin answered him instead of Gin.
'Oh, this thing...'
'We cannot just close it from here. That machine here somehow summoned some ancient machina of destruction, and it's heading our way from the other side.' said Gin
'Sounds like yet another of Gin's experiments.' said calmly Murasaki.
'Well, say what you want, but it will destroy this whole dimension if we let it here. The only thing we can do is go through this portal and make this thing disappear, just like you did with all the previous ones'
'Cool. So, here we go!' shouted Okabe and jumped into the portal.
'Oh. One more thing.' added Gin-sensei. 'When you destroy that machine, the portal will also disappear and you won't be able to return here. I have no idea where you will end up.'
'Great, just great.' said Kurisu. 'Now we need to follow that idiot there...'
'Wait just a second.' said Gin. 'Apart from saying this thing's name, you'll have to use a weapon. But... I fear my weapons won't work there. You need to take one of those.'
Gin handed them three different weapons. With them, our heroes said goodbye to their new friends and entered the black hole.
Okabe was already waiting for them.
'What took you so long?' he asked.
'Oh, just shut up.' answered Kurisu. 'Just what thing do we need to beat this time?'
'Just this.'
'WHAT THE HECK?' shouted Daru.
'Looks... big...' said Mayuri.
'Well, whatever this is, we need to stop it!' said an excited Okabe. 'The future of the universe depends on us!''
Tell our friends what is this thing and the game it comes from to win 2 random cards! You can also win 1 bonus card for telling them who commands it!
But that's not all! Our heroes also need to use one of those weapons, provided by Gin-sensei:
If you answered the main question, you can also choose one of those weapons to get a bonus prize!
The round closes at Thursday, May 16th! CLOSED!. Yes, that's two weeks for you!
After this round, Spare Parts will go on a short hiatus to let me collect more ideas. Hopefully it won't take long.