Sketchpads are here!

May 15, 2010 13:03

This was one of the things on my to-do list. I'm proud to present you Colors TCG's Sketchpads!

Sketchpads are like stamp cards you fill out for spending money at restaurants or shops, except you fill these Sketchpads out whenever you trade with someone at Colors TCG. :) For every card you trade, you fill in one box on your Sketchpad. Once you fill in all 20 boxes, you can turn them in over at the Art Shop for rewards. I hope this is an extra incentive for you to trade with other members! If you've already traded, you can go ahead and start filling these in. ^__^

If you would like to donate Sketchpads for other members to use, please head over to the donate graphics post.

We've already reached 15 members, so that means it's a matter of finishing all the other stuff before opening. ;) I still need to fix the website so that it looks right in IE. Are any of you familiar with CSS and know why the menu (and everything else) isn't positioned right in IE? Please help me and take a look at the stylesheet if you're familiar with CSS. |D I feel like a broken record with this, haha.

After the website, I'll also be designing goal sheets (tentatively named Portfolio). I can't get it to turn out right, but you'll be able to register 8 decks (either 8 different colored decks, 8 decks of the same color, or 8 decks from the same series) that you'll be working to collect. I have not yet determined rewards for completing this task.

OH! And I totally forgot the "referred by" section on the Join form. I added it in after a bunch of you already joined. If you were referred by someone (and this wasn't on your join form), please let me know here. :)

Everyone, please remember to reply to my comment to you on the join post in order to get put on the members list!


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