Izaya's Information Exchange 33

Dec 24, 2011 00:47

Happy Holidays! Izaya also got in the mood and fell in love with the Christmas deck! What he's going to do? Reward you for bringing him cards of characters featured in this deck!

1. You may donate 2 cards per week
2. New week starts on Friday, I'll remind you of it if there are any slots left
3. The prize is 2 random cards for every card donated
4. Izaya accepts character cards featuring characters who appear in the Christmas scrapbook special deck. That means cards from the following decks are acceptable:
North Italy, Optimist, Buchou, Pianist, Moon, Dynames, Eigth, Persocom, Guitar, Contract, Lotus, Judgement, Softball, Keyblade, Magical, Maou, Jewel, Spaz, Catholic.
5. Only three cards from each deck may be submited.

This round ends on Friday, January 6th! CLOSED NOW!

izaya's information exchange, mod : aru, biweekly, games

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