Izaya's Information Exchange 25

Sep 03, 2011 00:21

Izaya wants to know more about nostalgia show so he'll reward you with two cards for every Dragon Ball card you bring him!

1. You may donate 2 cards per week
2. New week starts on Friday, I'll remind you of it
4. Izaya won't accept a card of a number that has already been donated.
3. The prize is 2 random cards for every card donated
5. Izaya accepts cards from the following decks: Bomb, 18, Perfection, Conquer, Namekian, Saiyaman, Jindujun, Future, Over 9000
6. Izaya won't accept more than 3 cards from one deck.

conquer06/16 - 00zags
1807, perfection18 - animepam
perfection14 - kearin
bomb12, over900002 - stopping
jindujun13 - futachimaru
jindujun11/15 - moon_wolfwriter
over900005/17 - kikinioth
future10 - hushlust
conquer01 - kirkland
namekian19 - yamanaika
bomb09, future20 - wolfie_
perfection03 - lucathia_rykatu
bomb04, namekian08 - angel_of_faith

This round ends on Friday, September 16th CLOSED NOW!

izaya's information exchange, mod : aru, biweekly, games

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