Crazy Colors is an interactive game that you play with the cards you already have in your post! True to its title, it plays similarly to the real card game Crazy Eights. To earn prizes from this game, you'll have to not only be quick, but pay close attention to the comments above yours.
☆ At the start of every round, I will post one random card from the randomizer. That is your starting card!
☆ To play, you must either post a card that is the same color as the previous card (eg. if the starting card is Boxer10, you can play any other card that has a red border), or a card that is the next number up or down (eg. if the previous card is Boxer10, you can play any other card that is either numbered 09 or 11).
☆ Numbers will loop around and start back at the beginning! Eg. If the previous card played is Objection20, you can play any other card that is either numbered 19 or 01.
☆ After a card has been played, the next commenter must play a card on top of the previous card played. Eg. The starting card is Violence15. The next player plays a Clueless10. The next player after that can either play another yellow-bordered card, or any other card labeled either 09 or 11. They may NOT play a card labeled either 14 or 16, because something else has already been played on top of the original Violence15.
☆ Players may post up to TWO times per round! However, you must wait until five other comments have been posted after yours. This is to keep it fair, but not make it too difficult for later players to continue playing when the game is slower later in the week.
(A good strategy would be to post one comment and then return later in the week to post another.)
Some players have been numbering their posts in this game, either in the subject line or in the comment itself. I'm not going to make this mandatory, but it is extremely helpful, so please feel free to do so if you'd like!
☆ You may only post ONE card at a time.
☆ When you post, please also post the NAME and NUMBER of the card! It is NOT required to post the color of the card, but you may also do so if you wish. This is so there is no confusion about card numbers, and I can still see what cards to give to Recycled Art if you delete them.
☆ These rules are subject to change for special rounds! Don't worry, I'll let you know if the round is a special round and clearly explain the altered rules. This won't happen every time, so don't worry~
I realize that this game might be hard to keep up with when it's first posted, due to the amount of players in the game. Pretty much all of the incorrectly posted cards will be due to two people posting at once, so hopefully this will help a little.
☆ If you see that someone posted ahead of you, please delete your comment and repost it (unless your play is still valid, eg. same colored card borders).
☆ Rather than simply deleting incorrect comments that go unnoticed, I will post a reply to notify you that your play is invalid, and (attempt to) direct you to the latest valid play. In the case of multiple incorrect comments in a row (eg. someone continuing to play from an incorrect post), I will inform all of the players individually and restart play from the latest correct card played.
☆ If you notice that the play above yours is invalid, you may still play a card on top of the latest valid play.
☆ Remember that some screen resolutions might be a bit different, and some colors might look slightly different than what they really are. Colored borders will be accepted based on how the deck is listed on the official TCG website. If you have doubts, check it out first!
☆ Like in Izaya's Information Exchange, you are giving up the cards you play in this game! This means you are losing the card you play. For every correct play made, though, you will receive two random cards in return. All cards will be given to Recycled Art at the end of the week.
☆ Prizes will be passed out during the week, instead of all at once at the end of the round.
(Tip: If you have doubts about the latest correct play, the best thing to do would be to look at the last comment that received their prizes and go from there.)
☆ There will sometimes be bonuses that you can earn! These will be detailed in each post, and crossed out when they are won.
This week's starting card:
(Fang05, gray)
This week's bonuses:
☆ The 5th person to play a 05 numbered card will get one extra random card Won
here by
kelliedee☆ The 6th person to play a gray card will get one extra random card. Won
here by
nonchatte This round ends on June 22nd! is closed!