Hey guys! It's time for some more graffiti- looks like I've got another painting for the art gallery that's been defaced. Ugh, it took us so long to fix the other one, too.
There are five things in this picture that have been changed somehow from the original (remember, cropping, resizing and brightness doesn't count!). You get one card for each difference you find, making it possible to win five random cards from this game. Due June 30th! CLOSED!
Prizes for my last rounds will be passed out later in the day, as my best friend is visiting and we're going to play DDR. :3
Last round's answers:
1. Shiki's necklace was changed.
2. Beat's eyes were green instead of blue.
3. The skull on Rhyme's hat was changed.
4. Neku's wristband changed color.
5. A building in the background was removed.