Hi again everyone! "Kira" emerged as the winner of last time's versus round and everyone who contributed to that deck should have received a crayon! Let me know if I forgot anyone! This week, Izaya's out for your Asobot cards!
- Only cards from the following decks will be accepted: Asobot
- Each member may donate 2 cards per week
- You receive 2 random cards for each card you contribute
- A new week starts each Sunday when I post a notification in the community
- Everyone who donated will receive a random crayon if the deck is completed by January 23rd!
Week 1:
chuukoku donated asobot05 and 20
oriharas donated asobot10
balistt donated asobot06 and 15
lorelessmoon donated asobot04
stopping asobot11 and 19
moon_wolfwriter donated asobot16
ratiosu donated asobot02 and 03
moonka donated asobot08 and 09
algorithmrondo donated asobot01
Week 2:
orechibisama donated asobot12
marl_no_cornett donated asobot13 and 14