Dec 16, 2005 23:29
heh one of the best pop lyrics ever is "my heart cant possibly break when it wasnt even whole to start with."
where does this so called "whole heart" exist anyways? im sure i dont have one...not anymore...and its like i wont let mine heal...i just keep throwing out into the arena where it keeps failing to be swept up.
whoa melodramatic, k i wont be like that anymore. i dont know what i want in life though. seriously...boys girls...there will always be the want of one when im with the other, and it is seriously a difficult situation to be in. i guess nothing is ever really good enough for me...i like someone until i have them...then im bored? maybe thats not it...maybe once i have them they just arent the same person i thought they were. i think thats it.
i also miss washington a little bit...but i miss texas A LOT. and i know if i move again ill miss oc. stupid. maybe i could live in texas during the winter, oc for the spring, and washington for summer and fall. heh. resume will be looking good in a couple years. i just need to stay with one company for a long time...then ill move.
im usually so effing happy...i dont know whats wrong with me the past couple days. perhaps i should smoke again? maybe thats what kept me happy. we all know thats not true, but whatever. im bored i guess. whatev. im done.