Trade Post 07/09/12

Jul 09, 2012 21:36

Hello All! I have decided I want Vassal and Ghibli card from the new release! If you are not collecting anything from the new release and find stuff in my trade pile you'd like, please PLEASE let me know! :D

July Release
1. vassal20 (me)
2. honorific19 (me)
3. adventure10 (me)
4. agent16 to achuu for vassal18
5. dice18 to moon_wolfwriter for vassal05
6. glory14 to nerrin for vassal07
7. sea18 to kikinioth for vassal03
8. cosmoses06 to shamuon for ghibli06
Special: Ghibli18
Donated: Brown10

Desserts: 03/04/15
Swimming: 01/03/04/09/18/19
Golem: 07/08/11/14/15/17/20
Flamboyant: 01/08
Guardian: 16/18
Memories: 05/06/07/12/13/17
Knightmare: 08/13/14/15/16/17/20
Silvana: 10/12/14/15/17/19

I will gladly accept cards from the following decks: (If you have cards from the above set I'd prefer those over these)
Big Puppy: 06/13/18
Apologize: 01/02/03/08/12/20
Crush: 01/02/07/12/13/16/18/19/20
Little Kitty: 03/11/20
Cannon: 02/05/06/11/16/17/18
Isolated: 01/05/08/14/15/17
Viera: 01/03/06/07/09/15/18/19/20
The Paper: 04/05/07/08/09/13/14/15/17/18/19/20

(Strike thru are pending cards.)

~And any decks sitting in my Far Future Post & FAR Far Future Post & Special Decks.

Even if you don't have something I'm currently collecting go ahead and link me to your card post, I may find something pretty to trade for :3

-If you would like a user badge, post a comment in my card post with the image you'd like to use as well as the name you want on it, I like making them :3
-If you would like to use any of artsie things I've donated; level banners, sketchpads, link banners, sketchpad-stamps, deck specific pending card place holders, click the banner. (please save to your own location for use)

July 12, 2012 10:23 PM EST
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