Re: Glorious GreentonkoNovember 24 2011, 03:35:16 UTC
♥ Your Name: Tonko ♥ Store You're Visiting: Glorious Green ♥ What You're Exchanging For: 16 choice cards: rubber01/03/05, beli03/05/07(EDIT: ack, I had gotten 03 and 07 from Recycled art! could I get beli05/12/13 instead?), hebihime02, ero-cook01/02/03, cola05/06/10, sogeking03/05/06 ♥ Candies You're Exchanging: x7 x6 x7 x6 x6 x6 x6 x4 ♥ Your Halloween Event Log: Here. That's my regular log, the Halloween candy log is at the bottom.
If my math is right, I distributed all my candies here except one leftover grey. (I hope I'm right but I may be wrong, numbers aren't my strong suit, especially lists of them.)
♥ Store You're Visiting: Glorious Green
♥ What You're Exchanging For: 16 choice cards:
rubber01/03/05, beli03/05/07(EDIT: ack, I had gotten 03 and 07 from Recycled art! could I get beli05/12/13 instead?), hebihime02, ero-cook01/02/03, cola05/06/10, sogeking03/05/06
♥ Candies You're Exchanging:
♥ Your Halloween Event Log:
Here. That's my regular log, the Halloween candy log is at the bottom.
If my math is right, I distributed all my candies here except one leftover grey. (I hope I'm right but I may be wrong, numbers aren't my strong suit, especially lists of them.)
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