Happy Sunday and happy weekend to everyone! Sorry for the lateness for both this round and the prizes for last round, which I haven't even gotten around to yet. I've been working and tutoring up until yesterday and spent today cleaning up and getting prepared to start a week-long orientation tomorrow for the teaching credential program. But right now, all that is taken care of and I'm prepared finally. T-T9 Apologies for neglecting Colors, but once I settle into my semester, I hope I'll be more active as a player? *hopeful?* OTL
Anyway, a special round for round 30, and it comes in two parts (sorry for the long wall of text/post):
1) A fun little crossword puzzle like always, but this introduces some basic things about the TCG and unofficial cool things found at the trading comm in order to help some new members who might have joined recently-ish. For all your veteran players, this will be a snap.
2) Bolding this, so you don't miss this opportunity~ For this round, and this round only (so far), you have a chance to create a crossword puzzle to potentially be used in future rounds! Wait, wait, let me explain. Lucathia and I have talked about this way back when, and I decided for a special round (THIS special round), you will all have a chance to create a crossword puzzle like I do.
a) It can be about anything anime/manga/game related, TCG-related, any theme, any little thing your creative mind can come up with.
b) There MUST be 10 words in the puzzle.
c) You MUST provide me in a comment below your clues, your blank puzzle (uploaded somewhere and with any graphic extension, i.e. .jpg, .png, etc) and your answers to the puzzle (filled in or text).
d) You MUST comment again to receive your reward as your original comment will remain screened for my eyes only. :3 (You can put something like "REWARD PLZ" in the second comment lol.) I can only reward you if it's a potentially usable puzzle! And if your puzzle gets posted in a future round, you'll already know the answers, so... "double prizes" as Lucathia said. XD
There are free online things you can use to create a crossword puzzle (and if you can find others or have your own, that's fine too!) If you have trouble finding any, here's some (disclaimer: I have not tried them all LOL):
http://www.theteacherscorner.net/printable-worksheets/make-your-own/crossword/crossword-puzzle-maker.php If you have any questions or any need for clarification, drop me a comment too!
[/long post of doom]
Click for full size
2. This person is unofficially in charge of making some pretty neat double deck badges. If you happen to want one, drop a request over at her post on the trading comm!
4. This person is working on an RPG game for Colors and has created a unofficial/fake deck for everyone to collect at the trading comm. Is everyone excited to see the finalized project? :D
6. You can apply for your signature over at the Signature cards post, and you get this many signatures for free to start with.
8. You can try to master decks to fill up portfolios to earn more cards and crayons as your reward! There's the palette portfolio and... what is the other one called?
9. This is where you go to trade in your crayons for a card with that same color border as well as sketchpads for rewards.
10. You can level up once you get enough cards to reach the next level. But... how many levels are there in all? Hmm...
1. This person is unofficially in charge of creating TCG icons, so visit his post at the trading comm if you're in need of your own player icon!
3. This is the place where you can claim a set number of cards from a (rather large) pile of cards each week. No strings attached!
5. This is where you go to trade in cards you don't want for cards you do want. The exchange rate, however, must be taken into consideration. :3
7. This Initiative is represented by this character, and if you manage to donate 20 cards to this, you'll get to claim a deck mastery (provided to you by the Initiative)!
Crosswords 29 PRIZES
10 words correct - 5 cards
8 to 9 words correct - 4 cards
5 to 7 words correct - 3 cards
3 to 4 words correct - 2 cards
1 to 2 words correct - 1 card
01 - You may fill out the crossword puzzle itself or give me text answers in a comment.
02 - Spaces and punctuation are omitted in the answers in the crossword puzzle itself.
03 - If it's a full Japanese name, the Japanese surname comes first.
04 - This round ends September 4th. I'll post a reminder in a week! has ended!