Bon j'continue avec cet espece de francais dans mes titres

Dec 31, 2006 23:59

My God, when was the last time I actually updated this thing? And as usual, I'm doing it for Karen. And so that Caleb doesnt kiss me.

Lifes been good to me. Ive grown up a little and its my last year of high school, so perfect timing for that.

I can honestly say life took a big turn this summer, and this might be the first time Ive accepted change without a big problem.

I had already started changing my life when I found this quote. Mother Teresa's words:

People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable.
Be honest and transparent anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People who really want help may attack you if you help them.
Help them anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt.
Give the world your best anyway.

It made so much sense to me that I basically adopted it as my own idea. As much as I believe that a person shouldnt adopt one specific philosophy, I couldnt help but put this one as a priority. Just do what you know is right and move on. You live once, you die once. Regret takes up too much time.

PS. Im scared as hell. This whole changing my life thing because of college is crazy. My moms pissed at me because I only applied to FIU. Obviously I couldve gone farther and gone to a more amazing school, but screw it. I know Ive got the grades and the credentials and all that. So obviously theres a reason why I did it ... I'm not ready to be completely independent. For three years I told myself I wanted to go to UF. When the time actually came, I realized I'm gonna be 18, and not fully mature.
Plus FIU pays me $2000 a semester to go there. So yeah, thats good, too.

Twelve years of virtually the same people.
Here today, gone tomorrow.
So weird.

Oh, en plus ... aussi naive que cela semble, j'ai trouvé quelque chose qui resemble a l'amour, meme si c'est temporaire.  Cela me rende heureuse.

J'ai aussi trouvé des amis que je sais seront la pour tout temps. Quand j'aurais des enfants, elles seront des tantes pour mes gamins et moi aussi je serais une tante pour leurs enfants.

En fin, j'ai trouvé le secret a une vie heureuse: donner l'amour que vous voulez en retour.
Its the Golden Rule:
Do unto others what you would want done to you.

In a world ruled by selfish desires, it doesnt hurt much to give a little.
Karmas fair in that sense. It comes back to you tenfold.

My name is Mariohn Michel.
(Many people call me Mimi.
I am seventeen years old.
I get cold at 75 degrees.
I cry during movies, both happy and sad.
I bite people.
I have a weird laugh.
I like bad music.
I sing in the shower (terribly!).
Im scared to be independent.
I still dont have my driving permit.
I love to cook.
I love Italian food.
I want to live in New York.
I love Miami.
Im sarcastic.
I laugh at everything.
I have the greatest friends.
I smile alone all the time.
I'm always daydreaming.
I know how to love.
I embrace my past.
I love my mistakes.)
I am happy.



Me. Marsha. Emmanuelle. Lunchtime.

My little Lea.



I dunno. Its kinda weird. But I liked the shirt.

In Myloves room.

Ritchy. Mylove.

The girls. Steph. Sophia. Mylove.



Good times.

So Stephie. So shy.

I love this one. How cute. Stephie.

In Marshas back porch.

That was a fun night.


All of us, minus Sophia.

Bad camera angle.

And I'm gonna post this before the new year.
Happy 2007.
I win.
Im posting another pic post.
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