(no subject)

Mar 17, 2009 10:41

i am more than a fucking diagnosis godd damnit!
jsut because im feeling sick does not mean i didnt "take my meds".  i have a cough and a headache and a fever, what does that have to do with a mental disorder?
just because im tired one day does not mean i didnt take the zoloft.  it means im tired.
if im happy im not fucking manic.  maybe good things can actually happen in my life.  maybe i had 2 cups of coffee.  its not that i didnt take the clonpin.
i am a person.  i should be allowed to get sick and feel emotions and live without everyone asking me if ive taken my medication.  i should be allowed to go to a party and have a drink without someone asking how that will react with the meds.  i know the fucking answers.  thats what doctors are for.  im the one taking the fucking pills.  im the one in the wretchid body. 
you say its concern, but is it really?  why dont you ask how im feeling, or if i need soup or orange juice, not are you taking your meds.  thats not going to make it better assholes.
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