yay icony goodness

Oct 21, 2008 22:24

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Snagged from eowyn_315

 I think this was one of the very first icons I ever uploaded... I love the composition of this icon, the dark versus light, also i love the fact that you can see her shoes sitting there...

 I heart this icon, one because I've always loved Alice in Wonderland, apparently I looked and acted alot like Alice when I was little.... and I love the Alice and Hatter face characters at Disneyland, they are sooo made of win, also i just love the color and movement in this icon :)

 One of the first Spike/Buffy icons I saved... I think I snagged it second hand from someone because i saw it and just HAD to have it... its so true and so indicative of the way Spike's life works lol...

 This is one of my newer icons and I just love it... I think it's pretty self explanitory and I think most girls who grew up on Disney movies can agree....

 lol... anyone who knows me knows that I dont sleep a whole lot and when i do its at strange hours... I'm also a bit of a coffee/diet coke/sugar free rockstar addict... so caffeine is my friend... we go way back...

In other unrelated fandom news... I'm sick of not writing (my life has been... well in upheavel latey) so im going to try and sit down and write the next chapter of IDID tonight... I'm not sure i'll succeed but Im going to try....

Also I missed the first 7 minutes of tonights episode which apparently means i missed all the HC goodness... i'm depressed...

meme, fandom ramblings

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