tutorial 21

Oct 08, 2005 13:03

today we'll be going from this:
to this:

you need basic knowledge of Photoshop because I'm not here to teach you how to use it.

the original icons was this one:

I couldn't remember EXACTLY how I did it, but I tried.

okay, start with your base, mine being this one:

caps is by me.
-sharpen your base, duplicate it twice, setting the first one (closest to base) to screen and the one on top of that to softlight.
-use a small round brush, opacity at 100, and hardness at 100.
color hermione's dress with a dark blue color and set the layer to color.
-new layer, use a nice brown/beige color. mine was c7b299. set it to linear burn at 80%.
-duplicate the brown layer, setting it to color butn at 82.
-duplicate it again (last time!) and set that one to color at 32%
-flatten image, duplicate it once and set it to soft light. and lower the saturation to your liking.

hope you liked it, please don't copy exactly because this doesn't work for all images, try different color and opacities. I'd love to see what you come up with<3


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