It has been some time since I last posted. I thought I would have more time to get my act together and blog more often. Unfortunately uni has taken over my life, at lest for the next few weeks as I struggle through all my mid-semester tests. They call them tests, but they're really exams.
My birthday was a glorious affair. I had a wonderful time dressing up for the day. For university I went for a subdued classic lolita look. I wore my Chantilly JSK. I have no idea if it has a proper name. Oh well. I had a great time apart from quite a few people asking if I was cosplaying. I'm pretty glad that I managed to keep my cool and calmly explain that Lolita is *not* cosplay and is its own fashion. But the best part is when I got to wear my brand new (second hand) AP Memorial Cake JSK. And thus my life is complete.
After my birthday some very sad news followed. A close family friend passed away on the evening of my birthday. I will miss you a lot Bob. You taught me something invaluable: pots have two sides, an inside and an outside. Clean them both. I firmly believe that this is an important life lesson rather than me simply forgetting to scrub the bottom of a pot some four years ago when I was working for his partner at a restaurant. I think it means that I take everything too literally and I need to see things more simply as life can be too complicated. Human life is so fragile. My prayers are with your family as they mourn your loss and learn to laugh again.
My career as a university student has been severely challenged over the past week. I seem to be failing everything. I'm not sure what has happened, but only a few weeks ago I was doing very well. Now I feel like I've lost the will to learn. I think I'm waiting for something to be passionate about. Every unit I have this semester covers everything I hate in my degree. All this lack of programming is getting to me. Here's a pretty picture for a break in my ramblings:
Unfortunately one cannot always dwell on what is not right or happy in their lives. Inspiration comes from both the outside world and from within. As the outside world doesn't seem to be providing me with such inspiration, I must search for it within myself. I have a mid-semester test on monday and I feel totally unprepared and lacking in knowledge. Solution: Study.
As I am currently in the process of buying a Btssb OP, I cannot waste any money on Lolita at the moment. Also fuel prices are through the roof. Soon I'm going to have to start budgeting more that $50 a week for fuel.
I have also started Japanese lessons. It was one of my new years resolutions. Finally I'm doing something right.
I'm off to go for a run then crack down on all this study I need to do.
Love, Zoe