More surveys...just for fun

Jul 03, 2006 23:24


What exactly are you wearing right now?
red capris and my blue sing out shirt

What is your current problem?
nothing big right now really…maybe some slight confusion

What makes you most happy?
some of my friends…they’re amazing

If you could go back in time and change something would you?
no, I learned from everything that happened to me

Name something obvious about you:
I’m really pale.

What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Annie Waits - Ben Folds

Name someone with the same birthday as you:
I don’t know.

Do you have a crush on someone?
Yes, you could say that.

Ever sang in front of a large audience?

Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Just Heather, because she’s crazy and thinks that EVERYONE looks like a celebrity, lol.

Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
Yeah, occasionally.

Do you speak any other languages?
Some Italian and very little Japanese (hopefully some more Japanese soon)

What magazines do you read?
I read Cosmo sometimes, but that’s pretty much it.

Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo:

Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?
No, no one that I was really close to.  The closest person was my uncle.

Do you ever watch MTV?
I don’t lately, but I have before.

What's something that really annoys you?
When people don’t listen.

Chapter 1:

Nickname(s): Darryl calls me “slacker”.  Ackerman calls me “boobs”.  Jess calls me “the girlfriend”.  Other people call me random things sometimes too.  I don’t really have any universal nicknames, lol.

Current location: My living room.

Eye color: Blue.

Chapter 2:

Do you live with your parents: Yes, when I’m not at Geneseo.

Do you get along with your parents: Yeah, we get along pretty well now that I’m older.

Do you have any siblings: Yes, my younger sister Kayleigh.

Chapter 3: (Favorites)

Ice cream flavor: Probably mint chocolate chip (the green kind) or chocolate chip cookie dough…although I don’t eat ice cream very often anymore.

Season: fall

Shampoo/conditioner: Brilliant Brunette right now

Chapter 4: Do You

Sing in the shower: absolutely

Write on your hand: no, I haven’t done that in years

Call people back: I try to and almost always do

Believe in love: Yes, very much.

Sleep on a certain side of the bed: Nope, I’m not picky.

Have any bad habits: overanalyzing things sometimes, getting hurt too easily sometimes

Chapter 5: Have You Ever

Broken a bone: Nope

Gotten stitches: Nope.

Taken painkillers: No.  I’ve never taken anything for pain stronger than Advil, lol.

Gone SCUBA diving: Nope.

Been stung by a bee: Yup.

Thrown up in a restaurant: No.

Been to overnight camp: Yup.

Sworn in front of your parents: Yes.

Had detention: Yeah.

Been sent to the principal's office: No, only to the vice principal a couple times for really stupid stuff, lol.

Been called a ho: No

Been called a skank: No

Chaper 6: Who/What was the last

Person to text you: My mom

What did it say: OK

Person to call you: Jimmy

Person you hugged: Tim, just a minute ago

Person you tackled: That hasn’t happened in awhile…

Thing you touched: The keyboard

Thing you ate: A hot dog for dinner

Time you ate: probably around 5

Thing you drank: water

Thing you said: I’ll probably call you anyway


Closest red thing to you?
My capris.

Last thing to make you angry?

Probably just something stupid my sister said.

Do you have a bad temper?
I have one if I get really upset, but it takes a lot to push me that far.

Are you a fan of romance?


Closest orange thing to you?
My orange Gamecube controller.

Do you like to burn things?


Dress up for Halloween?
Yeah, it can be a lot of fun.

Are you usually a warm-hearted person?
I like to think so.

Do you have anything against red hair?

Are you full of energy?


Closest yellow thing to you?
My mom’s Spongebob pillow.

Favorite holiday?

What makes you smile?

Are you a coward?
I’m pretty cautious, so maybe sometimes that would seem cowardly.

Do you burn or tan?
I burn.


Closest green thing to you?
The green polka dots on my glass of water.

Do you care about the environment?
Are you jealous of anyone right now?

Are you a lucky person?
Yes, I like to think so.

Do you always want what you can't have?
Not always, but it happens sometimes.

Do you like being outdoors?
I love it.


Closest blue thing to you?
My t-shirt.

Are you good at calming people down?
Yes, I’m usually pretty good at it.

Do you like the sea?
Yes, I love water in general.

Last thing to make you cry?
I haven’t had as many reasons to cry lately as I used to sometimes.  The last time I cried was probably just from watching a romantic/sad movie.

Can you sleep easily?
Usually, yes.


Closest purple thing to you?
The blanket on my lap that my cousins gave me on Saturday.

Like being treated to expensive things?
In gifts cost doesn’t matter.  My favorite things are the meaningful ones.

Do you like mysterious things?
Yes, somewhat.  I’ve always been a fan of mystery books.

Favorite type of chocolate?

Milk chocolate.  Company doesn’t really matter.

Ever met anyone in royalty?

Are you creative?
I like to think I am.


Closest pink thing to you?

The big pillow Ackerman’s using.

Do you like sweet foods?
Sometimes, but eating too much sweet food makes me feel sick.

Like play-fighting?

Are you sensitive?

Do you like punk music?
Maybe a little bit, but it’s not my favorite.


Closest white thing to you?
A bag on our living room floor.

Would you say you're innocent?


Always try to keep the peace?

How do you imagine your wedding?
It’s something I’d like to decide with my partner when the time comes.

Do you like to play in the snow?
Yes, it can be a lot of fun.

Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?
Yes.  It makes me nervous.  It always has.


Closest black thing to you?
My headphones.

Ever enjoy hurting people?

Are you sophisticated or silly?

Afraid of death?
A little, but since it’s unavoidable I try not to worry about it.

Would you like to go to space?
Probably not.

Do you have a lot of secrets?
I have some.

What is your favorite color?

Does the color you wear affect your mood?
No, I don’t think so.

What color do you think best symbolizes your mood?
I’m very happy today, so whatever color symbolizes happiness.  Is that yellow?


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