Jan 28, 2005 22:01
im sooooo excited!!! i get to go to the mall tomorrow and get my ears peirced!!!!!!! cuz no bball so i can and im going to cut my hair short and grow really long nails!!!*does her happy dance* ^.^ i havent had my hair short in like forever!!! o and im getting bangs too!!! yay!! o and i think highlights, still working on the parentals for that one....
ok so i know i havent seen the phantom yet (hey at least i have a life that doesnt envolve scary obsessions, i.e. phantom + cuzin = scary!!!), but im working on going this weekend!! eeeekkk! im sooo excited... ive heard nuthing but praise bout it!!! omg im soooo bored!!! of course my mom is a mind reader and knows the my knee was bothering me so i couldnt possibly want to go out for pizza wit a bunch o my friends. gaw she must be daft!! wow i just sounded totally english there... who on this planet says daft anyway!! i wonder where i heard it from... *ponders* anyway the point is she never asks and decides without me!! soooooo f*ckin annoying!!! omg i cant wait to get the heck outa here!!