Feb 16, 2010 02:32
I feel like you are my other friend. The friend that I know will be there no matter what. The friend I know will be there no matter what so I neglect sometimes and don't even realize I've been neglecting you. Sorry about that.
I can't sleep. It's the first time in a long time. I don't know if anxiety, or lack of mental work the past few days, or I really can't drink coffee even in the late afternoon anymore.
I feel like I'm getting to another change in the direction of life here in the near future. The path might be shifting. I'm trying to be more social. I mean I've always been social but I'm tryig to get out and meet new people again. I was pretty homebodied there for a good while. I mean I would go out but I wouldn't be very open. I got really clenched for a while there. Trying to move from that. I don't know what I'm trying to say, I'm just trying to enjoy life more.
I'm still in school and digging it. I have a job now that is totally different from the one I had for the last 2 + years. It's insanely different. I make less money but somehow have more spending money that I have had in awhile. My debt is really down now. I want a house. I'm trying to learn the best way to approach that. It's still going to be a few years but it's very visible which is comforting. I just feel if I can get my own house I am on my way. I want a yard and a garden. I want to enjoy the fruits of my own garden.