Apr 08, 2008 14:00
Excuse me while I scream. Kittens are. Driving. Me. NUTS right now. Mocha has this way of getting up on her hind legs, with her front paws on something and scratching up and down. And Kona, he's just so aggressive to my backpack. Yeah, it's a The North Face pack, but there's only so much claw that thing can take.
School, school, school! Already, the end of day 2 and I feel exhilarated about it. I love nursing school (...right now, anyway). I've actually been enjoying my studies, and trying to stay on top of them. I can't believe this class will be over on May 3rd. Most of our classes are 8 weeks - this course, though, is only one month, and for all that we have to do, that doesn't seem like enough time! I'm a little anxious and stressed out about it but I know it'll be fine. You're not supposed to sleep much while you're in college, anyway.
And I absolutely love the fact that I have a lap top this time around. Last year, taking notes was such a pain. I type so much faster than I hand write, so now, taking notes is so much more... enjoyable? Yeah, actually. It is. Plus, the campus I am now attending doesn't make you pay for Wi-Fi (I wish I were kidding, but only for those who had laptops back then/who are attending that campus now...), so I have access to e-mail, databases where the professors and course coordinators upload all their slides and other odd bits of info, and if I really wanted to, Adium/Twitter/other distractions. However, I refrain. I kind of don't want one of my peers snooping over my shoulder and such.
We got our first clinical assignments today, for the last few weeks of June. I can't believe how fast everything is moving now, even if we're still 2 months away from setting foot in our first clinical setting. I'm excited. Have I said that enough time yet?
The only bummer about this next week and a half is that I'll be home all by my lonesome, with Mo and Konabear of course. Chris and room mate are going to be underway for the longest period of time since coming home from deployment last August (I think...). I'm just a little scared; I hate being the only human in the house. But the good thing is, the kittens can hear so much better then I can, and Mocha startles so easily when someone comes to the door. If we're in any real danger, they'll let me know of it well in advanced ;)
LOL. I sound like I'm 5.
And just various other odds and ends on my part. I miss my husband, who's been gone since this morning even though they're not leaving until tomorrow (duty); I miss my parents (my mom, especially), even though they live right down the street; I miss my brother, who sent me "bad ass" (read: goofy as hell) pictures of himself this morning, on deployment half-way around the world (even farther away than his usual Hawaii). But the good thing is, is that we're all healthy and happy. At least, I know I am. For now, anyway.
home life