Apr 22, 2010 18:19
Anyone know any good games for the Nintendo DS? I have quite a few but I got bored of them pretty easily. For example, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorny. I liked it, but I felt like it was the same thing over and over again so I just stopped playing. Besides that, I really didn't like the fact that all the women were flashing their boobs. I'm not a prude at all, but the boob-flashing happened quite a lot, which resulted in me getting annoyed and turning the game off. :/
I played Professor Layton but those games are HARD! Mario 64 was nice, but then I accidentally deleted my safe and had to start all over again.
Those were the games I've played over the past few months and now I need new suggestions. So help me please?!?!?!
Next week I've decided to go on a holiday with my parents. They are staying somewhere in Holland and I got the week off of work so I decided to join them. :) It beats staying at home all alone. Now I'm thinking of just leaving my laptop at home so I will finally have time and interest in reading all those books that I've bought over the past few months. I usually take my laptop so I could catch-up on tv shows and movies, but I figured maybe it's better to start reading again. Especially since my to-read list is getting bigger. I just need help figuring out on what to read first so I created a poll for that.
And yes, I still have to read all the Generation Kill related books. :S
Poll read
book: general