God, I don’t know where to start.
I’ve had a busy last month and a half? Two months? It all started with this big estate sale I was planning with my family, which meant that nearly every weekend I had off, I was spending it up at my mother’s. Then add in this crazy work schedule I was in where I would work 3 nights on, one night off, 3 nights on, one night off-up to my mother’s for 3 days-then back to 3 days on, 1 day off. This particularly sucks on night shift because that one day off was wasted on sleep. I wasn’t getting anything done around here at all. The only good thing is that I learned that Georgie is a very good traveler and he came up with me nearly all weekends at my mother’s and did very, very well and I liked the fact that he didn’t have to be alone so much-though
sithdragn made an excellent kitty sitter! =)
This past week I’ve been back on a bit more of a normal schedule (for a night shifter…I’m making plans to get off being on night shift because while I love the people I work with, this schedule is kicking my ass and has for the entire year…I can go weeks without a decent sleep because I sleep terribly during the day, no matter what I try). However, it’s still been busy-but for very pleasant reasons! I saw Weird Al in concert with
sithdragn and that was great fun. Got to finally meet
keelywolfe, which was excellent. =) Then my best friend from childhood came and visited for what worked into about 3 days (though I had to work during part of this). It was so wonderful seeing her!
Yesterday was about getting my poor apartment back in order (though a MAJOR cleaning day occurred just before my friend came to visit…*whew*). I bought another bookcase and had a hell of a time putting it together (I should have waited for the Ikea Billy sale like
sithdragn suggested) and it looks awful (screws went through the shelves, splintered pressed board), but it’s sturdy and I can shift around my growing stacks of manga (though it is impressive how much /stuff/ I’ve managed to cram into my small bedroom). I also set up my new portable air conditioning unit for my bedroom (which took a little trial and error with placement and plugs and tripping a fuse) because the bedroom gets crazy hot during the day and the unit in the living room doesn’t touch it. The things I love about my apartment-lots of windows, 3rd floor, unique layout-all make it very difficult to keep cool. And, for sleeping during the day, this is very crucial. I’ve been sleeping in my living room for over a month now. I’m so glad to be back in my bed!!
Today, I’ve been trying to catch up on my long To Do list. My inbox is a disaster zone. It needs some major attention. My apartment still needs attention. Laundry needs to be done. I don’t think I’ve read a book or manga for the past 3 weeks. So sad. I felt like a zombie going through the motions until that estate sale was over (though I did make over $200). Plus I picked up over time at work for 2 weeks running-which I never do because I feel like I’m there enough already, but I wanted to take advantage of some opportunities. It’ll be several months before I do that again, I’m sure. ^_^;;;
In other news, I’m so sad about Borders. Just…so sad. I feel badly for the people losing their jobs, especially here locally in Ann Arbor, but also just sad because Borders was so centric to many, many of my visits to Ann Arbor before I lived down here. It was like Mecca for me back when I lived in Ypsi and would take the bus into downtown and bum around…I /always/ went to Borders. For the downtown store to be gone…? It just breaks the heart. *sigh*
So, thank you to those who didn’t TL;DR, though I can totally understand if you did. If you haven’t heard from me, I expect you should soon as I get caught up on lj and e-mail and sort through a lot of “I’ll get back to that later” decisions from weeks ago.