Ok, I found this latest chapter VERY disturbing in the fact that well.... THIS happens!
Yes.. her arm is very broken. I had to vent somewhere! I mean... They broke Soi Fon's, of all peoples, arm! They wouldn't go and kill her off now would they? T-T I hope not!(No one but the bad guys die in Bleach anyway... right?) Else I'm guna be one very angry YoruSoi fan-girl. Where is Yoruichi now of all times anyway?! Literally... we haven't seen hide nor tail of that woman in... um... well, many many chapters, I cant even recall her last appearance. My hope is that she'll zoom in and save her Soi before anymore serious damage is done, don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying Soi is weak or needs to depends on Yoruichi, but this situation is looking very bad, very fast! >.<
End rant! Please feel free to comment, criticize and rant along with me, as a matter of fact, I encourage it!! :D
Image taken from One-Manga.com