Title: Chocolate Pairing: Jongho Rating: PG Genre: Romance Word count: 349 Summary: Jonghyun is just as annoying as the candy which is lying beside the register. Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
It's cute :D It makes me remember about the Peppero kiss btw JongKey, but it seems to be Minho loves touching JJong's chin too, when JJong offers another peppero kiss.
shawol_haven mod!meridianslairDecember 12 2011, 02:14:02 UTC
I wanted to message this to you, but your messaging is blocked to people who aren't friends.
A member recently messaged me about a concern that I may have counted votes this past challenge wrong. I'd like to apologize even if I didn't, and I hope you understand. I will do my best to make sure this doesn't happen again. If there's anything I can possibly do to make it up, please let me know!
Comments 6
But at least I know now that I like chocolate.
Great characterizations!
Good job! I enjoyed it.
A member recently messaged me about a concern that I may have counted votes this past challenge wrong. I'd like to apologize even if I didn't, and I hope you understand. I will do my best to make sure this doesn't happen again. If there's anything I can possibly do to make it up, please let me know!
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