Nov 03, 2004 14:39
I don't know, i'd kind of prefer to consider myself a not so very politcal person (an i totally am not. I know very little more than the average highschooler) and would almost have liked to partially distance myself from the election and the like, like i usually do rather well. I don't know if this means i'm actually wanting to be ignorant or what... and if i am, i will totally stand behind the whole 'ignorance is bliss' bit. But anyways, today i was pretty fucking annoyed quite often. It wasn't so much that Mr. Bush was re-elected (though i really, entirely beleive that Mr. Kerry is a much better man both as a person and as a president for the country) as it was how these fucking ignorant and stupid people have reacted towards the whole thing.
From my billions of hardcore pro-bush classmates, almost the only reasons that were voiced about him being better than Kerry were that Kerry looks funny, Kerry is a fag and pro fag or, less commonly, kerry will make the US look like a bunch of pussys.
In my short stories class, which happens to be the lamest class ever with some of the stupidest people i've ever met, the kids were so concerned because the teacher said that the gay marrage issue passed.
"What the fuck! You mean gays can get married?!?!?"
A whole fucking bunch of them yelled this like they were extremely concerned for their lives and that it was the worse thing ever.
"No. The ammendment to ban gay marrage was passed."
"Oh" Huge sigh of relief. "Good. I thought you meant they could get married."
Then two minutes later someone else would do the same thing. First off, these people are incredibly stupid for not being able to understand the concept of 'for' and 'against'. No one actually understood what the vote was about.
"All i know is that i don't want them letting any fags get married. That's fucking sick."
Second, i don't care if you are against homosexuality or gay marriage, It's not going to fucking hurt you! People acted like it was the end of the world and very dangerous. As one of my teachers pointed out, we're in Montana. How many gays are there anyways? It's not like there's going to be this mass amount of same sex married couples suddenly overtaking the state.
Past that, even if it didn't pass, we're not going to let them get married anyways. I promise you'll all survive.
And, you know what, if you're really concerned... you can just say no to the next homosexual who asks you to marry them. I do beleive that you can't forcibly marry someone. It's just the whole idea, for no real reason, turns people's minds completely off and scares the fuck out of them.
Then this other kid kept singing this great song about how great Bush is and how wonderful it is that he one and how Kerry is a fag and that's the entire reason that it's good that Bush won.
Because, you know, Kerry is homosexual. His partner is, of course, Edwards.
I suddenly lost all the respect i had for that person.
Then "So, Bush won? Good. Kerry is so weird looking. I don't know why anyone would vote for him. Doesn't he support terrorism?". My friends, that was very close to an actual quote from a few people.
I don't know, i'm not usually that terribly bothered by people's ignorance and stupidity but today i was really fucking pissed. I kept my mouth closed the whole time but... it just sucked going through the day highly annoyed.
I'd prefer if people voted for the president on issues past abortion and homosexuality or their appearances. But, fine. Kerry looks like a creep. Grr. It would also be cool if people could look past just the party that the canadate is in... but that would be way too hard.
It just annoys me that bunches of kids went and just voted Bush so America wouldn't become gay or look like a bunch of pussys, then just voted republican on the rest because they had no clue who they were.
I always laugh and get annoyed with those overly politcal people or people that care so much... but now look at me?
Why is that stupid people are starting to annoy me? I used to be able to laugh so easily. Now i get angry just like everyone else. I fucking suck.
But, yeah, i really shouldn't care much at all, because i'm quite sure that none of this will effect me at all. If it does, i'm sure it will be in a fairly indirect and not so major way. Then again, that's just apathy there, isn't it? And apathy tends to be considered a bad thing. Whatever i suppose. Oh, look, apathy again.
On a new subject, i have a fairly busy week planned out and i like it. Well, i kind of like it. I'm kind of stressed as well. But i think it is better than just always having nothing to do like my life has pretty much been up until this point. I feel... healthier when i'm always busy.